With many asking for help, I decided to include a page of suits, new and used, for sale. Note that these suits are not mine, nor am I the one to negotiate. You can always email me offers, and I will get in touch with the owners. Some may want to deal with you personally, some may prefer to go directly through me. Either way, it’s the sellers choice. Please respect that.


Pinnacle Self Donning Shell Drysuit $950.00

Neoprene seals

Size 9 boots

Zipper needs tic (vinegar & toothbrush)

Attached Expando Pockets

Brand new OBW Spring Suit.   Worth $350, will sell for $300.

Chest 34, Waist 26, Hips 34 Shldr to Crotch 26

2mm Bare Shorty $40.00

Extra Large

New Oceanic open toe fins.  $75.00 pair

I have one pair at the shop, and a number of them in storage, so don’t hesitate to ask. They are royal blue, and most of them are large.