Local Student Suit Giveaway
Every year, we are excited to give away a custom suit to one of our local marine science students. The Monterey/Santa Cruz area has eight facilities in which students learn about our oceans and their biologies. Many focus a specific subject, whether it be kelp, reefs, or a particular type of fish/animal.
As students begin their semester in the fall, we will send out a letter to the instructors and diving safety officers. They take a couple of months to look at their class carefully and determine who their best deserving student would be.
The students then fill out an application, telling us about what they are studying and what their goals are in the marine science field. The difficulty is finding a single student to give a suit to. They are all so deserving, we’d love to give more than one away.
2019 Student Giveaway winner
Studies at Hopkins MarineLab.
Interests include kelp forest ecology and marine habitats, physically and biologically. Also worked with a team at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
As the program continues, we would like to extend the giveaway throughout the state, and possibly through Oregon and Washington.
2018 Student Giveaway Winner
Studied at Long Marine Lab, UCSC in ecology & evolutionary with special interests in forest-forming kelp as a marine habitat for fish & invertebrates
2015 Student Giveaway winner
Studies at Hopkins Marine Station include invertebrate surveys of grazer species & giant kelp.
Future goals are to continue with effects of climate change & the current marine system of the California Coast.
2014 Student Giveaway winner
Studies at Moss Landing Marine Labs Sea star wasting disease and it’s impact.
Future goals: To continue research on sea stars and other’s impacted by diseases.
2013 Student Giveaway winner
Studied at Hopkins Marine Station: Marine Community Ecology and conservation.
Future goals: To work with non-profit organizations involved in scientific conservation.
2012 Student Giveaway winner
UC Santa Cruz student studying marine biology & ecology.
Won the most prestigious award given annually to volunteers at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.
2006 Student Giveaway winner
Studies at Moss Landing Marine Labs included subtidal ecology and sharks.
Future: To teach marine sciences at Moss Landing Marine Lab.
2005 Student Giveaway winner
Student & TA at CSUMonterey Bay
Plans were to focus on Maintaining the oceans health and resources.
2003 Student Giveaway winner
Student at UC Santa Cruz Long Marine Lab
Interests included marine biology and anthropology.